Sunday, April 26, 2009

How is Wing Chun like?

Is the Wing Chun method of fighting about gettting close to the opponent so that he is unable to kick or even punch you?

Is Wing Chun the same as Wing Tsun?

How is Wing Chun like?

Parrying or deflecting blows on defense, rather than using m

muscular force to block or absorb a blow, parrying deals a blow, throws opponent off balance to allow a finishing move to injury or kill opponent.


Short range strikes (i.e. 1 inch punch)

Fast straight low kicks

Wing Chun is a highly underrated fightting technique best suited for street fighting imho
Reply:Wing Chun=Wing Tsun

Same art different name...
Reply:Wing Chun, in its know form, is very basic and simplistic. The funny thing is, Wing Chun was created for women to defend themselves in the small alleyways of china.The men back then had no respect for the women and would randomly grab them in the streets. All of the attacks and defenses are close to the body and the main stance(hourglass of pigeon-toe stance) is designed to block the groin. The stance kept men from grabbing the woman's crotch. The guard is tight to the body and protects the chest, which prevented men from grabbing the woman's chest.
Reply:Wing Chun was the name of the woman who originated the art.

peach fruit

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