Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pencak silat and Wing chun?

I'm not looking two join Pencak silat or Wing chun,

but would like to hear the opinions of anyone who studies both of theses arts are they both the best martial arts for using hands only techniques or is there other arts with as much variety regarding locking,trapping and knife work etc.

just want to know the common opinion amonst fellow martial artists.

your thoughts please.

Pencak silat and Wing chun?
Like any martial art they are good as long as the instruction transmitted is good. And like any other art out there, if the student pays too much attention to form (in other words, stress too much looking good versus being effective), they can become what Bruce Lee called a "classical mess".

These two arts are excellent in my opinion for the practical elements they can provide a practitioner. However, I would like to make a note, they both do involve feet/kicking tactics. High kicks (to targets above the waist) is not stressed and are even discouraged for strategic reasons.

Personally, I wish I had more access to instruction in these arts.

P.S. - Another art which may surprise you for practical hand and even knife methods.... Taijiquan. (This is one that definitely requires the right instruction from someone who knows what they are talking about.)
Reply:i havn't done a great deal of either one but i have done the basics.personally i would prefer the weaponry and weapons defence from silat.but like i said i havnt done much of either,i have done more of the wing chun than the silat.sticky hands is good for hand/eye coordination.

PS%26gt;i do have a black balt in kali/escrima though.
Reply:I research Jeet Kune Do...along with Maphilindo Silat (Malaysian, Philippine, Indonesian), and Wing Chun. They all have something good to give/teach. There are also other trapping/locking arts like Chin-na and Small Circle Jiu-Jitsu that you can research. The best thing is to get a feel of them and see what would work best for you and your own Philosophy.
Reply:silat all the way. without a doubt silat. but then again there are many different styles of silat. some more comprehensive than other. i have yet to come across anything as effective as silat and kali. their sheer brutality is amazing.
Reply:silat is your best bet
Reply:I've practiced Wing Chun and was quite satisfied with the techniques, very practical. But know nothing about Silat, so I don't have a comparison.
Reply:both TRASH

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