Monday, November 16, 2009

Martial Arts help?

i want to take martial arts but im still choosing between Southern Shaolin, Wing Chun or Ninjutsu. Which one should i take?

Martial Arts help?
A small bit of advice, most schools using the Shaolin name are not actually affiliated with shaolin temple in any way. Not saying that their kung fu doesn't work, it's just most likely not really from Shoalin. Wing chun is a good style if you find a good teacher. Ninjitsu is a good style if you can find a school that actually trains in ninjitsu. Many schools that claim to are fakes. If you need help researching a school, feel free to contact me.
Reply:These arts are all available in your area? Wow!!! If you get the chance try the Wing Chun or Southern Shaolin. There is a lot less of a chance that your going to be scammed. Anything with "Ninja" in the title makes me a little nervous about the authenticity. Of course I could be wrong and you could have a real Ninjutsu school in your area.

Look out for the scam artists.

Good Luck
Reply:I might be wrong, but Ninjutsu is not a particular art per se, it is more of a school which incorporates things such as taijutsu (empty hand) bo/jojutsu (the 6 foot and 4 foot staff), kenjutsu (sword), stealth, hojojutsu (restraint) etc. etc. From memory there are about 18 disciplines. Some of these (such as Kusarigamajutsu or even Naginatajutsu) would be very rare in Japan, let alone anywhere else. As above, I would tend to think that any school claiming to teach Ninjutsu is a scam.
Reply:Try Dekti Tirsia Siradas.

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