Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who would win, a B. Jiu Jitsu fighter of the same class or a Wing Chun Fighter?

So who would win in a fight without gloves, protective gear, no rules and no reffs? A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practicioner of a high class (black belt+ w/e) or a Wing Chun practicioner of the same class, but this Wing Chun practicioner has a little bit of experience in Muay Thai, very little? Both of them are around the same height and around the same weight.

Who would win, a B. Jiu Jitsu fighter of the same class or a Wing Chun Fighter?

But then again Wing Chun do anti grappling techniques? Could this help?? haha I doubt it
Reply:My hubbys says 'probably the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter' (hes done BJJ for years).
Reply:BJJ fighter versus any fighter trained in any ONE martial art would win. This has been proven over and over.

If this wing chun guy also trained wrestling and some brazillian jiu jitsu to avoid take downs, and to be able to defend somewhat against submissions, he might have a chance. Otherwise, no chance.
Reply:I say neither. If both are proficient at their art, then both would avoid fighting the other man's fight.. hence neither could actually "engage." Wing Chun is very quick, very powerful, and works well in close range. The way WIng Chun utilizes "bar" arm and jamming techniques would prevent a lot of control and grab attempts. BJJ is primarily a ground style, so they would have to close the gap, enter, and take down to be effective. Why would a wing chun practitioner go to the ground to fight, when they are so dominant on their feet. Vice versa, why would a BJJ practitioner stay on their feet, when they are so dominant on the ground.

I'm also understanding that almost ALL traditional arts (even TKD) when taught properly. Have locks, takedowns, and joint manipulation techniques. They are usually hidden in kata and forms (explains why most instructors aren't aware of them.) So just like a BJJ fighter would have some striking ability, a Wing Chun guy will have some "grappling" ability as well.
Reply:In women's tennis I always bet against the heterosexual.



Party tricks,



Party tricks....
Reply:as being in jujitsu i would say...jujitsu if only you knew the power of the art...i am only a white belt rite now but i can beat a blue belt,and i know im ready to enter the tournament despite me being a minor,but at any rate jujitsu keekz ees jujutsu does no grapples its fighing on the grounde and off ground is kickboxing,unfortounately i dont kickbox i am a 6th degree black belt in aikido,anyways man are you from this brazilian jutsu by a marketbasket in louisiana cuz if so thats where i go

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