Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wing chun = good cardio?

does it give your body a good physical workout?

Wing chun = good cardio?
Yes wing chun will provide a good cardio workout if you couple Qi Gung along with all aspects of Wing Chun training. Hand Form, San Sik, San Sao, and Chi sao. Read up on Wing Chun at the following sites.

peace, and respect,

Reply:Yes, provided you train hard. If you don't train hard, it wouldn't matter what style you train won't get a work out.
Reply:Not the best work out... If you want a really good work out, try boxing class that offer boxercise, a type of work out. That type of work out is BRUTAL and give much better result.
Reply:Depends on how much you work it, you work hard, you will not only get good cardio, you'll get fast reflexes, coordination, etc.
Reply:Wing Chun provides little to no cardio workout. If you want a martial art for this, try Boxing or Kickboxing.
Reply:Any good martial art should involve training/practice. That in itself is good cardio. Wing Chun is a great physical/defensive martial art.

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